Friday, August 29, 2014

A Labor Day Weekend Guide to Summer Movies

I decided that I would post my summer wrap-up before Labor Day, just in case any of my readers were wondering what they should check out at the multiplex during the last weekend of the season.  While it was quite a disappointing summer for box-office, with only really one straight up blockbuster phenomenon (Guardians of the Galaxy), it was actually a pretty great season for film quality.  There were a handful of terrifically entertaining popcorn movies, Indie movies that ran the gamut from provoking to warm and homey, and everything in between with plenty of options for all tastes.

Which is why it’s hard to figure out why so many movies under-performed.  It could be that with so many “must-see” movies coming earlier in the year (the continued reign of Frozen, The Lego Movie, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier) that people were just movied out.  It could have been that the general populace was more in the mood to play in the heat of the summer than wait it out in an air-conditioned theater.  However, whatever the reason, far fewer people went to the theaters this summer, so if you were among the millions that avoided your local multiplex, let me fill you in on what you missed and what you might want to seek out on this final weekend of the summer movie season.

Instead of giving you a “best of” list, I’m going to share wish you some groups of movies to consider as you decide whether to spend some of your Labor Day weekend in an air-conditioned theater.

First the must-see movies:  Guardians of the Galaxy (exciting, hilarious, and surprisingly heartfelt), How to Train Your Dragon 2 (in my opinion, the best animated film in four years), X-Men: Days of Future Past (if X-Men were the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this would be their Avengers), Edge of Tomorrow (one of Tom Cruise’s best movies and an excellent example of intelligent sci-fi), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (if it didn’t involve apes, this would be recognized as one of the great modern war films).

If you’ve seen these, move to the following:  Belle (currently on DVD, if Jane Austen were to write a civil rights story, it would look just like this.  Not wholly accurate historically, but a beautifully written and acted film), The Hundred-Foot Journey (light and charming entertainment for grown-ups), Get On Up (if you’re a fan of modern music biopics, this is an easy recommendation with another star making performance from 42’s Chadwick Boseman, this time as musical legend James Brown),  The Fault in Our Stars (a thoughtful story that gives teenagers credit for being able to care about more than sparkly vampires), Million Dollar Arm (a sports film that isn’t among the best, but still provides the high points you’d hope for), Maleficent (easily the best of the Disney revisionist fairy-tales, which isn’t saying much, but it has a stellar central performance from Angelina Jolie), Godzilla (It’s the best Godzilla movie, but it is still unquestionably a movie about a giant monster stepping on buildings).

There are movies that were positively reviewed that I didn’t see.  This list includes: Magic in the Moonlight, Neighbors, Chef,  22 Jump Street, and the universally acclaimed Boyhood.

So, for this weekend, my hard and fast recommendations are Guardians of the Galaxy and/or How to Train Your Dragon 2.  Both are thrilling, beautiful, funny, entertaining, and heartfelt movies.  In other words, they’re pretty much perfect summer films.

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